How to Create Sparklines in Google Sheets – The 4 Best Types

How to Create Sparklines in Google Sheets

In this tutorial, I am going to explain how to create sparklines Google Sheets, and how it allows you to insert varying types of charts into a lone cell.

Not all huge datasets in Google Sheets are compatible with large charts or graphs that can be used to visualize data.

In such a case, utilizing cell-bound charts with the SPARKLINE function may be the solution.

A SPARKLINE-made chart is a miniature chart contained in just one cell. It allows for a simpler and quicker way to visualize data in Google Sheets.

And even though a sparkline is a line chart by default, the SPARKLINE function gives you the capability to produce other chart types, including single-cell bar and column graphs.

How to Create Sparklines in Google Sheets

  1. Prepare the data that you want to translate into a chart
  2. Identify the range of the data to be used (data_range)
  3. Unless you want a line graph, identify the chart type that you wish to use (options)
  4. Use the formula =SPARKLINE(data_range,{[options]})
How to Create Sparklines in Google Sheets
How to Create Sparklines in Google Sheets

Sparklines in Google Sheets Video Tutorial

4 Chart Types of Sparklines in Google Sheets

The formula of Sparklines in Google Sheets is:


The most useful options parameter is “CHARTTYPE” which specifies among the 4 chart types of Sparklines in Google Sheets will your chart be.

Depending on your dataset, one type of sparkline may have an edge over the other.

1. Line Type Sparklines in Google Sheets

The widely used, default type of sparklines, the Line chart shows the ups and downs of data in relative comparison to each other.

The data is represented by the Line chart in order of how they appear in the dataset.

The line type sparkline
The line type sparkline

Line Sparkline Width

Option: {“linewidth”, integer}

This option gives the line charts a literal line thicker based on the value you have provided.

The line type sparkline with the linewidth option applied
The line type sparkline with the linewidth option applied

2. Bar Type Sparklines in Google Sheets

This sparkline creates a bar of percentile with its data representing their value vs the total value of the whole data set.

The bar-type sparkline
The bar-type sparkline

Bar Sparkline Max

Option: {“max”,value}

The “max” option gives you the ability to detail the highest possible value along the horizontal axis. With it, you can construct bar sparklines similar to the following screenshot:

The bar type sparkline with the max option plus sort applied
The bar type sparkline with the max option plus sort applied

Bar Sparkline Color

Color1 and Color 2 allow you to specify the color differentiation of the values in your bar sparkline.

The bar type sparkline with the max option plus sort applied; colored in red and blue
The bar type sparkline with the max option plus sort applied; colored in red and blue


The bar sparkline gives a good visual aid for the difference between two or more data sets over a range of values.

3. Column Type Sparklines in Google Sheets

The Column sparkline needs the respective chart type and the data range, which needs to just be a single column or row.

The column type sparkline
The column type sparkline

Column Sparkline Axis

Options: {“axis”, true}

The axis option strikes a line by the middle of the data set, respective to the current position of the columns.

The column type sparkline with an axis
The column type sparkline with an axis

Column Sparkline Color

Option: {“axiscolor”,”color-name-or-code”}

The “axiscolor” option defines the axis with a color of your choosing. This helps to visually pinpoint the axis for the column sparkline.

The column type sparkline with a color-red axis
The column type sparkline with a color-red axis

Using the column sparkline gives us a better view of datasets with negative and positive values simultaneously.

4. Winloss Type Sparklines in Google Sheets

The Winloss type sparkline in Google Sheets is a unique one among the others as it doesn’t really visualize the quantity of the value but merely the quality as positive or negative.

It simply showcases a “win” or a “lose” as in “positive” or “negative”.

The winloss type sparkline
The winloss type sparkline

Winloss Sparkline Axis

Options: {“axis”, true}

The axis option strikes a line by the middle of the data set, respective to the current position of the Winloss columns.

The winloss type sparkline with an axis
The winloss type sparkline with an axis

Winloss Colors

Option: {“Color”,”pink”}

The winloss type sparkline with an axis, colored pink and yellow
The winloss type sparkline with an axis, colored pink and yellow

These are the more common options for Sparklines in Google Sheets. If you want to know more options, there are a lot more for all chart types.

Frequently Asked Questions about How to Create Sparklines in Google Sheets

Can you make a vertical bar sparkline in Google Sheets?

A vertical bar chart in Google Sheets is called a ‘Stacked Column Chart’. It can be put into your spreadsheet via the Chart Editor but not by the SPARKLINE function.

What are the options of the Line chart of function sparkline in Google Sheets?

For Line chart, the options are “xmin”, “xmax”, “ymin”, “ymax”, “color”, “empty”, “zero” or “ignore”, “nan”, “rtl”, and “linewidth”. As for the range, you can assign up to a maximum of two rows or two columns.

Conclusion on How to Create Sparklines in Google Sheets

To create sparklines in Google Sheets, prepare the data that you want to translate into a chart and identify the range of the data to be used (data_range). Now unless you want a line graph, identify the chart type that you wish to use (options). Lastly, use the formula “=SPARKLINE(data_range,{[options]})”.