Remove an Underline in Google Sheets – This is How [Solved]

How to Remove an Underline in Google Sheets

This tutorial will highlight the steps to remove an underline in Google Sheets.

There might be situations where you want to remove an underline made previously.

You can remove and underline in Google Sheets like you insert an underline.

How to Remove an Underline in Google Sheets

Click into the cell or cells where you want to remove the underline. Then select “Format” in the main menu. Hover over “Text,” and a new menu opens up. In this menu, click on “Underline.” Alternatively use the keyboard shortcut command + u on a Mac or ctrl + u on a PC.

How to Remove an Underline in Google Sheets
How to Remove an Underline in Google Sheets

Remove Underline In Google Spreadsheets Video Tutorial

Underline Removal Google Sheets Step-By-Step

Step 1 – Click on the cell

Select the cell or cells in the spreadsheet where the text in Google is you want to remove the underline. This is how you select the text.

Select the cell you want to edit by clicking into it
Select the cell you want to edit by clicking on it

Step 2 – Choose Format in the main menu

In the main menu, go to “Format.”

Select "Format" in the main menu
Select “Format” in the main menu

Step 3 – Select “Text”

In the “Format” menu, hover over “Text.” Because it is the text in a cell that you want to modify.

This works for single cells but also for multiple cells.

Hover over "Text" in the menu
Hover over “Text” in the menu

Step 4 – Choose “Underline” in the Text menu

A new menu appears where you choose the last option, “Underline.” This is where the underline formatting can be adjusted.

Now that you have clicked “Underline,” the underline of the text in a cell you selected will be removed.

Click on "Underline"
Click on “Underline”

Once you return to the Sheet, you will see that the text is no longer underlined.

The text is no longer underlined
The text is no longer underlined

Keyboard Shortcut

Alternatively, you can use the shortcuts (command+u) on a Mac and (ctrl+u) to remove an underline in Google Sheets.

Shortcuts Mac & PC to remove an underline in Google Sheets

Shortcuts Mac & PC to remove an underline in Google Sheets

Underlining in Google Sheets Step-By-Step

To set an underline in Google Sheets, you can follow these steps that are identical to removing an underline:

Step 1 – Highlight the cell

The first step is to highlight the cells you want to underline.

Step 2 – Click on Format in the main menu

Then click on “Format” in the main menu in Google Sheets.

Step 3 – Choose Text in the Format menu

Once you clicked on “Format,” a dropdown opens up.

In this dropdown, hover over “Text.”

Step 4 – Choose “Underline” in the Text menu

On the right-hand side, a new menu opens up with the formatting options: Bold, Italic, Underline, and Strikethrough.

Select “Underline” by clicking on it.

Once clicked, the word or sentence you have selected will be underlined.

You can also use the shortcuts (command+u) on a Mac and (ctrl+u) on a PC to remove an underline in Google Sheets.

Remove underlining of a cell in Google Sheets

To remove the underlining of a cell in Google Sheets, you can follow these steps:

Step 1 – Select the cell or cells

Click on the cell or cells where you want to remove an underline

Step 2 – Click on the “Borders” icon in the secondary menu

Move your cursor or mouse to the secondary menu at the top of your screen, where you will see a square divided into four equal squares.

Click on it.

Step 3 – Select “Clear Borders”

In the new opened-up menu, choose the last option in the lower right, where you see the square icon with the dotted lines called “Clear Borders.”

Once clicked, the cell underline will disappear immediately.

You can use “Clear Borders” for any border formatting options, as it will clear all of them.

Underline Border

If you want to use the underline border option, go to the border icon in the main menu. Choose “Bottom border.” Once this is done, the border bottom is bold. If you add text to the cell, it will also look underlined.


Removing an underline in Google Sheets can be done easily, whether it is underlined text or an underlined cell, by using the “Text” or “Borders” option.