How to Add the Euro Sign in Google Sheets – 4 Best Ways

How to Add the Euro Sign in Google Sheets

In this article, I am going to explain how to add the (€) Euro sign in Google Sheets. I have been using Google Sheets for the past 7 years and every now and then I come across a special character that I want to use but often have to research how to enter it.

This is why I created this simple guide with all the different methods to end up with the (€) Euro sign in Google Sheets.

You might have to enter the word ‘Euro’ or are working with financial spreadsheets where the € symbol is essential.

How to Add the Euro Sign in Google Sheets

To add the euro sign in Google Sheets:

  1. Double-click on the cell where the euro sign will be put into
  2. Press and hold ALT and type in 0, 1, 2, and 8 on your Numpad
How to Add the Euro Sign in Google Sheets
How to Add the Euro Sign in Google Sheets

How to add the € sign in Google Sheets Video Tutorial

How to add the € sign in Google Sheets Video Tutorial

4 Ways How to Add a Euro Sign in Google Sheets

Here are 4 different ways to add a Euro sign or symbol in Google Sheets:

1. Use the Keyboard Shortcut: ALT + 0128

This is the easiest and most straightforward method as long as you have a numeric keypad available.

First, double-click on the cell where the euro sign will be put into. Make sure that the cursor changes to edit mode.

Edit mode on cell B2
Edit mode on cell B2

Next, press and hold the ALT key on your keyboard. While doing so, hit the numbers 0, 1, 2, and 8 on your Numpad in that order. Then let go of the ALT key.

Press and hold ALT and press 0, 1, 2, and 8 on your Numpad
Press and hold ALT and press 0, 1, 2, and 8 on your Numpad

Right after you let go of the ALT key the Euro sign will appear.

The Euro sign in cell B2
The Euro sign in cell B2

2. Use the CHAR Function

An alternative to using the ALT + 0128 method is by using the CHAR Function. The Unicode Number of the Euro sign in Google Sheets is ‘8364’.

To do this, type this short formula into the cell where you want the Euro sign to be:


CHAR(8364) outputs the Euro sign in Google Sheets
CHAR(8364) outputs the Euro sign in Google Sheets

Once you enter the formula, the Euro sign will immediately appear.

3. Use the Character Map

The Windows Character Map contains all the special symbols that you can use. To add the Euro sign in Google Sheets from the Character Map, do the following:

Open the Character Map application by using the Windows native search function.

Enter ‘euro’ in the ‘Search for :’ field and hit the ‘Search’ button.

The Character Map application
The Character Map application

This will show the Euro Sign, select it, and hit Copy.

The Euro sign in the Character Map application
The Euro sign in the Character Map application

After this, simply paste the Euro sign into Google Sheets.

4. Copy and Paste the Euro Sign

It’s not the simplest thing to do, but doing a Google Search for the actual symbol is the most popular way of adding the Euro sign in Google Sheets for non-techy users.

You just have to go to or any other search engine and type in the keywords ‘copy euro symbol’. Look for the first result that has the Euro symbol and copy it.

Google Search result for ‘copy euro symbol’
Google Search result for ‘copy euro symbol’

Afterward, just paste the Euro sign into Google Sheets.

5. Use the Custom Currency Format

The last method of adding the Euro sign in Google Sheets is via the Custom Currency Format.

Select the range that you want to be formatted and appended with the Euro sign.

Range F2:F13 is selected
Range F2:F13 is selected

Go to the ‘Format’ menu, then the ‘Number’ sub-menu, and then select ‘Custom currency’.

The ‘Format’ menu, ‘Number’ option, and ‘Custom currency’ option
The ‘Format’ menu, ‘Number’ option, and ‘Custom currency’ option

In the ‘Custom currencies’ window, look for the Euro sign. Select it and click on ‘Apply’.

The ‘Custom currencies’ window
The ‘Custom currencies’ window

This will now add the Euro sign in Google Sheets for the range that you’ve selected.

The Euro sign applied to all numbers in Range F2:F13
The Euro sign applied to all numbers in Range F2:F13

Take note that for the range, you can also select the entire column. And for every other future number entered into that column will automatically get the Euro sign.

When used in formulas, these numbers will not have the Euro sign in their values and will just be considered plain numbers.

These are 5 ways that you can use to add the Euro sign in Google Sheets. I will also be writing about other signs such as the degree symbol in future tutorials.

Read about how to add the Dollar sign in Google Sheets here.

Frequently Asked Questions about How to Add the Euro Sign in Google Sheets

Can I use the numbers at the top of my keyboard when typing ALT + 0128 to add the Euro sign in Google Sheets?

You cannot use the numbers at the top of your keyboard for the ALT + 0128 shortcut method in adding the Euro sign in Google Sheets. It has to be from a numerical keypad, usually situated on the right side of regular keyboards.

Why is it that when I try to add the Euro sign in Google Sheets by typing ALT + 0128 with a Numpad nothing still happens?

Make sure that after selecting the cell where you want the Euro sign to be put, you are in editing mode for that particular cell. You should see a blinking straight vertical line indicating that you are typing.

Conclusion on How to Add the Euro Sign in Google Sheets

To add the euro sign in Google Sheets just double-click on the cell where the euro sign will be put into. Then press and hold ALT and type in 0, 1, 2, and 8 on your Numpad.